Wednesday, September 26, 2012

  Jerry and I discovered the I Ching separately.  He learned about it from someone in New York.  Marty Siegel brought the book to us in Connecticut with the pronouncement that, “every household should have one.”  We both used it.

  It seems odd looking back on it that we never discussed the Ching explicitly, but we didn't feel the need to.  We would refer to it, saying things like, “I asked the I Ching,” or “The Ching said...,”  but we each assumed, correctly, that the other knew about it and understood the background.

  Jerry did bring me a deck of Morgan’s Tarot cards, which are a sort of zen re-working of the Tarot.  I thought it was wonderful and used them several times to give readings.  While they were still available I bought extra decks and gave them to people I thought would want to know about them.  Eventually Morgan (James Morrison Morrison, A Meager Prophet Orgznization, Boulder Crick, California) subtracted a few cards from the deck, he said to make it less confusing, but I prefer the original 88-card version.

  Here are a few cards from the deck.  In case you can't read them, the titles say: The Virgin: Sun Queen; Keep Up the Good Work; No Trips without a Tripper; The Universe: Not Unfolding the Way It Should.

  You can see it would be more fun to use, and less esoteric to interpret, than the usual tarot deck.

  If you search for “Morgan’s Tarot” you’ll find several web sites.  The deck has been republished by U.S. Games and is available from Amazon:

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